Blessing of the Backpacks and Teachers
Join us at our 10am service where all students and teachers are welcome to bring their backpacks and totes for a blessing for the new school year!
Weekly Service Schedule
We invite you to join us at one of our three weekly services.
Sundays at 8:00 a.m. - Traditional service with no music.
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. - Contemporary service with music and traditional hymns. The 10:00 a.m. service also includes childcare, ages newborn through 4, and a childrens ministry, ages 6-14, during a portion of the service..
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. - Healing service
Wednesday Bible Study - 7:35 pm
Upcoming Special Events
Join us at our 10am service where all students and teachers are welcome to bring their backpacks and totes for a blessing for the new school year!
Ascension Choral Evensong with Potluck following after in Morris Hall.
Sunday, March 31st, Easter Sunday, 8:00 AM, Rite I Worship Service & 10:00 AM Rite II Worship Service. Communion is in 1 kind (bread only, gluten free is available upon request)
(10:00 Service is Livestreamed)
Maundy Thursday service followed by an Agape Meal in Morris Hall.
Service starts in Morris Hall, and we walk over to the Church
Please join us to spruce up All Saints for Easter! A list of various tasks will be provided for work both inside and outside.
All Saints' Episcopal Fish Fry - 100 Rex Drive, River Ridge, LA, 70123
Curbside Drive-Up Service available for to-go orders!
Sodas and bottled water available for purchase
Join the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) for a quiet day service and continental breakfast led by All Saints’ parishioner Mary Erickson.
There will be 3 services:
7:00 am (spoken)
10:00 am (spoken)
7:00 pm (with music)
Join us on Christmas morning for a quiet service with no music.
Join us at 9:00 PM for our second service on Christmas Eve.
Join us at All Saints’ for a family friendly 5:00 PM service on Christmas Eve.
The Episcopal Church Women of All Saints will host a “Quiet Morning”, as part of the holy season of Lent. All parishioners, men and women, are welcome to attend this observance of prayer and meditation. Our own Deacon Debbie Scalia will lead the event offering common prayer and three meditations in the church.
Because of the current health limitations, this year’s Quiet Morning will follow COVID protocols with social distancing and masks worn indoors. Participants are asked to sign-in at the narthex table for the purpose of contact tracing. We will not be able to use the parish hall nor be able to serve food this year.
The Quiet Morning will begin at 9 a.m. in church with common prayer. Deacon Debbie will lead the meditations which will all take place in the church. After each meditation, “quiet time” will be observed for approximately 30 minutes. Participants may read, meditate in the church, or stroll the grounds in spiritual contemplation. Following the third meditation and quiet time, the event will conclude in church with corporate noon day prayers at 11:45 a.m.
We suggest participants bring their own snack bags and beverage from home if you choose. We will provide individual bottles of water. Participants can bring a folding chair from home to sit outside if the weather permits during the quiet times. The restroom in the church will be available. The ECW is pleased to be able to present this contemplative journey for you to foster your holy Lenten season.
To help us manage safe seating practices at our Christmas Eve Family Services, please plan on attending the services by letter of last name:
4:00 PM Service - Letters A-L
6:00 PM Service - Letters M-Z
To help us manage safe seating practices at our Christmas Eve Family Services, please plan on attending the services by letter of last name:
4:00 PM Service - Letters A-L
6:00 PM Service - Letters M-Z
Join us after the 10:00 AM service for our annual Parish Picnic. Enjoy some food, fun, and fellowship. Rain or shine!
Due to the Covid-19 situation, we are postponing this event to a future date. We will post the new date when it is prudent to reschedule.
Individual plates for dine-in or carry-out include fried fish, coleslaw, corn, bread, and dessert. Children's menu and frozen entrees also available.
$10 Adult
$5 Kids
Event will also include 50/50 and gift basket raffle tickets available to purchase.